Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society 2024-07-07T23:08:04+00:00 Annamaria DE SANTIS (Managing Editor) [email protected] Open Journal Systems <h1 class="page-header" style="font-family: Raleway; margin-top: -50px;">Bibliometrics</h1> <p style="font-size: 18px; margin-top: -20px;"><strong>Italian ANVUR Ranking<br></strong>A-Class for Sector 10, 11-D1 and 11-D2</p> <p style="font-size: 18px; margin-bottom: -0px;"><strong>Publish-or-Perish (reference date: December 31th, 2022)<br></strong>- <strong>Scopus</strong> H-Index: <strong>21<br></strong>- <strong>Google Scholar</strong> H-Index: <strong>37<br><br></strong><strong>Scopus (from 2009; reference year: 2022; reference date: May 5th, 2023)<br></strong>- Citescore (2022): <strong>2.2</strong><br>- CiteScore <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Rankings (2022)&nbsp;</span><br>&nbsp; -&gt; <strong>Education:</strong> <strong>Q2</strong>, <strong>55th percentile</strong> (#655 out of 1469);<br>&nbsp; -&gt; <strong>Computer Science Applications:</strong> <strong>Q3, 37th percentile</strong> (#499 out of 792);</p> <p style="font-size: 18px; margin-bottom: -45px;"><strong>Clarivate Web of Science (from 2015; reference date: December 31th, 2022)<br></strong>- Journal Citation Indicator: 0.49<strong><br></strong>- Category Rank: Q3, #465 out of 733 (Education and Educational Research)</p> <p style="font-size: 18px; margin-bottom: -45px;">&nbsp;</p> Second Cover 2024-07-07T23:08:02+00:00 Annamaria De Santis [email protected] <p>-</p> 2024-06-30T20:39:25+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Italian e-Learning Association (SIe-L) Can MOOC be a medium of lifelong learning? Examining the role of Perceived Reputation and Self-efficacy on Continuous Use Intention of MOOC 2024-07-07T23:08:04+00:00 Vaidehi Rajam [email protected] Sudatta Banerjee [email protected] Swati Alok [email protected] <p>Many Higher Education Institutions in India have started to include Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) as a part of their curriculum. Yet little research has been done to understand the factors that affect the users’ sustained interest to recurrently enroll and complete MOOC courses throughout their lifetime. A sample of 316 students from Higher Education Institutes in India participated in this survey. Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) using smartPLS was employed to assess the structural model. The structural model used is a combination of constructs from technology acceptance theories namely perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude, facilitating condition and continuous use intention of MOOCs, with perceived reputation and MOOCs self-efficacy as external variables. The results not only proved the applicability of basic TAM constructs in understanding the behavioral intention of MOOCs but also the significance of external variables, particularly the role of perceived reputation in influencing the perceived usefulness of MOOCs.</p> 2024-04-29T09:05:29+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Italian e-Learning Association (SIe-L) From learning machines to teaching robots. Interaction for educational purposes between the Social Robot NAO and children: a systematic review 2024-07-07T23:08:03+00:00 Lino Rossi [email protected] Enrico Orsenigo [email protected] Elisa Bisagno [email protected] Alessia Cadamuro [email protected] <p>Interaction between social robots and children occurs today in a variety of environments, including schools, hospitals, and homes. This review aims to highlight studies that delve into this interaction in the educational settings, exploring the characteristics of the social robot NAO and how its features influence its relationship with children. A search was conducted on July 1st, 2023 in Scopus and PsychInfo. Inclusion criteria pertained to (1) typical development; (2) age range 4-12 years; (3) educational setting; (4) type of robot (NAO); (5) type of publication: peer-reviewed journal; (6) language: English; (7) research studies. Of the 116 results that emerged from the search, 92 were excluded, yielding 24 valid results. We classified the records into two categories, namely 17 results were included in the “NAO as an informational and educational tool” category and 7 in the “NAO as a relational agent” category. The first category considers all studies where social robots were used as tools for educational and informational support; these studies delve into topics related to the teaching of school subjects and personalized learning, with a specific focus on emotional education. In the second category, we encounter studies that explore the relationships between children and robots, with a primary emphasis on the phenomenon of anthropomorphism, the attribution of mental states, touch interaction, and the robot's caregiving abilities. Based on the present review, social robots like NAO emerge as potential resources to implement new forms of teaching and interaction within the educational context; however, more research is needed to design...</p> 2024-04-29T14:06:25+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Italian e-Learning Association (SIe-L) Factors Influencing 360-Degree Video Adoption in e-Learning: a UTAUT2 Case Study with Pre-service Primary Education Teachers in Spain 2024-07-07T23:08:03+00:00 María Esther Rodríguez-Gil [email protected] <p>This study analyses the acceptance of immersive virtual reality (iVR) videos among e-learning students (N=198) enrolled in a Primary Education Degree English course at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. iVR, with its ability to create realistic and interactive virtual environments, has emerged as a transformative tool in enhancing learning experiences. Its application extends to higher education, proving invaluable for pre-service teacher training through an authentic simulation of classroom dynamics. Acknowledging the pivotal role of student acceptance and comfort with this technology, this research aims to understand the factors influencing its efficacy. To measure acceptance, students actively engaged in a competency activity, immersing themselves in the analysis of a 360-degree-recorded classroom practice within a Primary Education setting. Subsequently, a structured questionnaire, based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2), was administered. This questionnaire assessed the factors influencing the acceptance of this educational technology across eight dimensions and their behavioral intentions to use it. Results from this investigation underscore that the factors Hedonic Motivation, Performance Expectancy and Effort Expectancy received the highest ratings among participants. Conversely, lower ratings were observed for Habit and Price Value. Confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that the UTAUT2 model effectively captured preservice teachers’ perceptions of iVR across all dimensions (Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Facilitating Conditions, Hedonic Motivation, Price Value, Habit and Behavioural Intention).</p> 2024-04-30T10:16:31+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Italian e-Learning Association (SIe-L) Experiences in higher education in times of pandemic: a systematic review of the literature 2024-07-07T23:08:03+00:00 Andres Ramirez-Barrera [email protected] Sandra Rojas-Berrio [email protected] Jeisson Rincon-Novoa [email protected] Luz Alexandra Montoya-Restrepo [email protected] <p>This paper aims to review the literature related to the experience of students and teachers in Higher Education in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. A Systematic Literature Review was conducted using the scientific databases Scopus and Web of Science, following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, structured in three stages of the experience: Pre-Core, Core and Post-Core. The results provided by the 105 studies selected for the review are heterogeneous and diverse in terms of the positive and negative factors and elements of the Higher Education Experience in the global health crisis. The method with the highest presence in the selected studies was quantitative with 51.4% and its main instrument was the questionnaire. Likewise, social interaction in the context of Higher Education is one of the most negatively impacted dimensions of the transition to distance education, with important implications for the mental health of students and teachers.</p> 2024-05-03T14:00:33+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Italian e-Learning Association (SIe-L) Trends in the use of Multivariate Analysis in Educational Research: a review of methods and applications in 2018-2022 2024-07-07T23:08:02+00:00 Annamaria De Santis [email protected] Katia Sannicandro [email protected] Claudia Bellini [email protected] Tommaso Minerva [email protected] <p>Multivariate analysis is a statistical solution effectively used to investigate educational phenomena. It operates simultaneously on many variables and data and allows the development of classifications and models by returning data-driven understandings. How does the international educational research community make use of multivariate analysis techniques? We conducted a methodological review to identify trends in applying these methods in education. We extracted only papers written in English, indexed in Scopus, and published from 2018 to 2022 in journals in the Education category. Our review included bibliometrics such as years of publications, leading journals, and most cited articles. We detected an increase in papers using multivariate analysis in the educational research in Scopus publications over the past five years, particularly in journals in quartiles Q1 and Q2. MANOVA represents the main method used for the analysis along with regression methods; the former may be overestimated due to the overlap of names with terms searched in the string. University students represent the preferred experimental subjects for investigation; the administration of surveys and questionnaires is the most practiced way to collect data; preferred analysis tools among those declared are non-free. Based on the topics, some research categories emerged: Teaching, Medical Education, STEM, Digital Education, Professional Development, Inclusion, Wellbeing. However, the number of citations is low (less than 8) for three-quarters of the articles in our selection. To increase the effective use, confidence, and understanding of multivariate analysis processes, appropriate skills in education, statistical analysis, and interpretation of results need to be strengthened.</p> 2024-06-30T20:15:06+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Italian e-Learning Association (SIe-L)