Vol 8 (2020): Learning, Competencies and Human Resources
EMEMITALIA2019 Peer Reviewed Papers

Commitment of teachers in a digital learning project to reduce school failure in STEM and linguistic subjects

Marta Pulvirenti
Università degli Studi di Torino
Alice Barana
Università degli Studi di Torino
Marina Marchisio
Università degli Studi di Torino
Published February 20, 2020
  • virtual learning environment,
  • school failure,
  • advanced computing environment,
  • automatic assessment system,
  • collaboration tutor-teacher
How to Cite
Pulvirenti, M., Barana, A., & Marchisio, M. (2020). Commitment of teachers in a digital learning project to reduce school failure in STEM and linguistic subjects. Reports on E-Learning, Media and Education Meetings, 8(1), 214-219. Retrieved from http://je-lks.org/ojs/index.php/R-EMEM/article/view/1135127


The project “Scuola per Tutti” took place during the school year 2017/2018 in the secondary school Amaldi-Sraffa of Orbassano in order to recover school failures of 9th and 10th grade students in English, Mathematics, Latin and Physics. A tutor, who was specifically trained on the methodologies of the project, held each course during afternoon meetings at school and online tutorings via a web-conferencing software. The goal of the project was not only to overcome learning difficulties but also to reduce the phenomenon of early school leaving, to increase motivation in studying and to facilitate the transition between lower and upper secondary school. In order to do so, a virtual learning environment was chosen, integrated with different plugins that allow the implementation of collaborative and cooperative learning as well as adaptive teaching, problem solving and learning by doing, thanks to the possibility of creating and sharing interactive materials.

Besides technologies, the key point for the success of the project was the close cooperation between tutor and teachers in order to provide a better education continuity. Results will show that the project had a higher impact on those students whose tutor and teacher carried out a successful collaboration.


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