Vol 8 (2020): Learning, Competencies and Human Resources
EMEMITALIA2019 Peer Reviewed Papers

Problem solving with an Advanced Computing Environment to learn Mathematics

Cecilia Fissore
Università degli Studi di Torino
Francesco Floris
Università degli Studi di Torino
Marina Marchisio
Università degli Studi di Torino
Marta Pulvirenti
Università degli Studi di Torino
Published January 15, 2020
  • Problem Solving,
  • Mathematics,
  • Advanced Computing Environment
How to Cite
Fissore, C., Floris, F., Marchisio, M., & Pulvirenti, M. (2020). Problem solving with an Advanced Computing Environment to learn Mathematics. Reports on E-Learning, Media and Education Meetings, 8(1), 176-181. Retrieved from http://je-lks.org/ojs/index.php/R-EMEM/article/view/1135147


By solving contextualized problems, students can gain tools to investigate and explain phenomena of the world around us, favoring the development of a conscious citizenship. In our constantly evolving modern society, it is essential for students to acquire digital skills. Therefore, it is even more important to solve problems through technologies, such as an ACE (Advanced Computing Environment). This allows to perform numerical and symbolic computations, to create 2 and 3 dimensions graphs, to write procedures and to program interactive components in order to generalize the resolution. In this paper, the workshop “Problem Solving with an ACE” is presented, which consisted of 4 two-hour long meetings, and involved twenty-four 11 th grade students of the upper secondary school “Galileo Ferraris” of Turin. It took place in a computer lab, during curricular hours. Disciplinary topics treated were agreed with the Mathematics teacher of the class, allowing the insertion of the workshop hours in the normal lesson planning. The goal of this paper is to discuss an example of a possible design of problem solving activities with the use of an ACE to teach Mathematics, which could be proposed to students throughout the school year.


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