- Digital intelligences,
- Mathematical validation
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is the future of mankind, which in positive terms, is compared to a "New Industrial Revolution". However, as Ross (2018) points out, the fact that an algorithm guides intimate aspects of our lives is shocking. A utopian but true idea, because in everyday life educators are “Translators" i.e. manufacturers of algorithms for teaching in the info sphere... If only we thought about search engines, which no longer give only information, but explanations, we would realize that society no longer requires skills, but rather "Excellence": The new communication belongs to the NLG languages and, therefore, the transmission is done through synthetic, standardized and non-compositional techniques and by areas...As Languages evolves, "Knowledge" is described by formal grammars and entrusted to technologies. The new communication delegates the elevation of the languages of Natural Language Generation (NLG) to the mathematical, technological and human sciences. The team follows the models: - Scaramuzzino (2016) with an explanation of the phono-morphic-syntactic and semantic characteristics of the languages LSP; Bernardini (2010), who explains the question of the replacement of L1 in L2 for the predictive detection of belonging of the ESP to the LSP. The focal parts of the research are: 1) information retrieval through the description of models; 2) retrieval techniques and new systems of text retrieval and description of digital intelligence) 3 conjecture of the epistemological status of ESP and at the same time of belonging to the LSP codes.
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