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E-Learning has been practising in many countries as one of the teaching and learning processes to enhance pedagogy. COVID-19 pandemic has made it compulsory for students to have virtual classes at full usage for the first time of Movement Control Operation (MCO) from 18 March 2020. Are Malaysian university students ready for e-Learning? Thus, this study aims at determining three variables of attitude, skills, and knowledge related to the e-Learning readiness in having the classes at their own home. A total of 425 questionnaires on Google form were distributed via WhatsApp. Descriptive statistics and inferential analysis of readiness are employed. The finding shows that attitude contributes the most to the student’s readiness. There is no difference in respondents’ e-Learning readiness between those who stay in rural or town. The majority of respondents are at a moderate level of readiness. This finding will give an insight into the Ministry of Higher Education to consider appropriate actions to ensure the teaching and learning for University learning are not disrupted due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
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