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The teachers in higher education (HE) could take a better advantage of the existing vast numbers open educational resources (OER) as well as invite their students in the process of sharing and knowledge co-creation, if they started using and adapting existing OER and/or creating their own OER. The question of this research was whether involving teachers into OER creation and providing them with a tool of a collaborative platform would increase their openness and readiness to share and become open educators? The research was performed on design-based research methodology and intervention, offering a group of university teachers in Lithuania to create, adapt and share OER in the format of slides, providing them with a collaborative platform as a tool, facilitating open-licensed content creation and publishing. After the intervention most of the participating university teachers emphasized the importance of openness, the feeling of more responsibility while preparing their open slides, expressed better understanding of OER, and even changed their pedagogy. Besides, OER integration had a direct impact upon student awareness on OER, overcoming the barriers towards openness, and their ability to contribute to the course.
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