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During the past few decades, it seems that personalizing and adjusting the e-courses’ content based on individual learning styles is rather important. Indeed, several studies have been carried out throughout the years regarding the a priori personalization and adjustment of e-courses systems. This way modern LMSs (Learning Management Systems) could identify beforehand the learning styles of the e-course attendants and adjust the lesson content flow and type based on personal learning styles. Nevertheless, little bibliography exists on how to assess the compatibility level between educational content and learning styles dimensions of an LMS, in a real-life environment. With the above thoughts in mind, the current work attempts to introduce and verify an innovative framework for the students' learning styles and e-courses compatibility assessment, based on the content type and volume. The proposed framework is validated through its application at an LMS in a real-life academic environment. Such an approach could be very beneficial for already deployed e-courses on LMSs that aim to differentiate educational content provision based on users’ profiles.
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