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Digital challenges tied to the multifaceted landscape of citizenship are the focus of a workshop developed within an instructional technology course that took place in the academic year 2019-2020 in the degree course in Education Science (curriculum socio-pedagogical professional educator) at University of Macerata (Italy). The experience is framed in a multiple-case study where the case here described is intended as the last unit of analysis. The aim of the qualitative study is to check how a hands-on workshop on digital citizenship, which involved students in a participatory video project, affected their reflection about (1) the theme and the effectiveness of media formats used for the educational design and communication; (2) the collaborative attitudes that were involved for the creation of a video artefact designed as an educational resource.
The data were collected through different tools (reflection papers, questionnaires and interviews) and were coded with a content analysis approach to be, then, triangulated with the artefacts created by the 31 students of the sample who worked in small groups.
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