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In Colombia, a developing country, higher education has a gross coverage rate of about 40% (supply concerning the entire population). However, although this value is low, ten years ago this rate barely exceeded 20%. The increase in coverage is largely due to a policy that has promoted training by cycles. This model allows education by levels with the granting of professional degrees at each stage, which allows for rapid employment. Even so, places are limited, particularly for medium and low economic levels (which concentrate the majority of the population), and access to them in public universities (those with state-funded enrolment) is very restricted. Access to education is a major concern for institutions and the state, in particular for vulnerable social groups, and has been further depressed by the security and control measures implemented to slow down the spread of the COVID-19 virus. In a short time, and with limited resources, institutions have had to adapt their models to guarantee continuity and quality in academic processes. In this context, digital platforms have come to play a fundamental role by allowing access while reducing social interaction. However, the use of these platforms implies the development of specific learning environments adapted to academic, economic, and social conditions. This paper explores the design, development, and impact of some of these learning environments in the process of technological training of students from low economic strata in the most important public university in the Colombian capital...
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