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The aim of this descriptive research was to identify the impact of e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in teaching daily living skills (DLSs) for children with disabilities (CDs). The sample consisted of 84 CDs enrolled at the Arab Village Center for Special Challenges in Jordan. The DLSs scale developed to assess living skills consisted of 40 items representing three subdomains: personal skills, home activity skills, and environmental-societal skills. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the scale, in the form of a questionnaire, was hosted on Google Drive and sent to parents of CDs by WhatsApp. The results indicated that the impact of e-learning in teaching DLSs for CDs was low. Additionally, the results also indicated that there were no significant differences due to gender, age, nationality, and type of disability. Accordingly, as a result of the research, the investigator recommends activating e-learning methods in Jordanian special education institutions and conducting e-learning-based workshops for employees in these institutions.
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