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The paper presents and discusses the Research and Development and related reflective practice process for the design of an approach to STEM school education. It focuses on Future Inventors, an education project of the National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci which aims to design, develop, test, and define an approach for teaching and learning in STEM at junior high school. Through this case study, the authors argue for the need to design for learning activities in which children can learn creatively building on their own potential and, for educators, to develop and maintain a STEM teaching mind-set that recognizes a series of qualities, bodily engagement, emotions, self-expression and open-ended, creative exploration, as having a legitimate place in the science classroom This is an attempt to move beyond the de-contextualised use of technology in learning towards a learning flow that fosters engagement with digital experiences a way to develop children’s thinking, their voice and identity, making them feel able to share and contribute actively.
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