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Digital environments in the Reggio Emilia Approach construct relational and communicative conditions that tend towards shaping modes of ecological research, where adults and children can create "platforms of community thinking" considered as processes of elaboration, in which the intelligences of children and those of the digital become proximal. Digital technologies create geographies of place and representation close to children's visions of possible and dream worlds, with awareness that the imaginary worlds they bring to life always border on the world they inhabit, and the emotions they generate are always and only real. Infant-toddler centres and preschools therefore have a responsibility for generating contexts of reflexive critical reasoning, on contents, on sources, and on the modes of communicating and relating that digital environments propose and offer, and for making visible the learning processes these contexts favour. Digital constructs connective threads between things, between situations, between experiences, so creating mental representations, subjective and group, between the real and the possible.
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- Bonilauri S., Tedeschi M. in Vecchi V., Bonilauri S., Meninno I., Tedeschi M. (eds) (2019), Bordercrossings. Encounters with Living Things / Digital Landscapes, Reggio Emilia, Reggio Children.
- Malaguzzi L. in Malaguzzi L. et al. (1996), The Hundred Languages of Children, Exhibition catalogue, Reggio Emilia, Reggio Children.