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The Malays are Terengganu's largest ethnic group, accounting for over 95% of the population. English language is treated as a foreign language and rural cultural settings affect English language proficiency. This project offers a successful ongoing community-based model of partnership between university and several women local authority units addressing the issue of anxiety to speak in English. Five women leaders and twenty members of the community, together with three experts were included to develop the model via face-to-face and online teaching and learning sessions. Soft systems methodology (SSM) was applied to tackle the issue of empowering women in Terengganu by improving their English language communication skills. At the end of the SSM process, the Empowering Women of Terengganu via English Language Learning Framework was introduced as a clear guide for the application and implementation of English communication modules. It is believed that SSM can help instructors and policy makers of Malaysian organisations in making a sound judgement in cultivating English Language in hybrid method, and help to develop Terengganu women’s potential to be more confident in using English.
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