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This paper explores digital marginalization, data marginalization, and algorithmic exclusions in the Souths. To this effect, it argues that underrepresented users and communities continue to be marginalized and excluded by digital technologies, by big data, and by algorithms employed by organizations, corporations, institutions, and governments in various data jurisdictions. Situating data colonialism within the Souths, the paper contends that data ableism, data disablism, and data colonialism are at play when data collected, collated, captured, configured, and processed from underrepresented users and communities is utilized by mega entities for their own multiple purposes. It also maintains that data coloniality, as opposed to data colonialism, is impervious to legal and legislative interventions within data jurisdictions. Additionally, it discusses digital citizenship (DC) and its related emerging regimes. Moreover, the paper argues that digital exclusion transcends the simplistic haves versus the have nots dualism as it manifests itself in multiple layers and in multiple dimensions. Furthermore, it characterizes how algorithmic exclusions tend to perpetuate historical human biases despite the pervasive view that algorithms are autonomous, neutral, rational, objective, fair, unbiased, and non-human. Finally, the paper advances a critical southern decolonial (CSD) approach to datafication, algorithms, and digital citizenship by means of which data coloniality, algorithmic coloniality, and the coloniality embodied in DC have to be critiqued, challenged, and dismantled.
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