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Online learning environments have attracted attention of many educators especially in recent years since COVID-19 is still ongoing situation. Meanwhile, the various resources are becoming more and more available in online. In this study, some available online resources were used to create the system checkable for some writing abilities and the depth of understanding for Japanese writing tasks. The system was also made to provide some evaluation scores without depending the number of characters. The demonstration of system were given after the integration and implementation of some modules customized using online resources. The data sheet in the system finally saved the written content for 67 students. The writing task was given as the writing of summarization for what a student understand in a class. The following features were demonstrated from the analytical findings of online system developed in this study. The effectiveness of some available online resources was indicated through the demonstration of system checkable for some writing abilities and the depth of understanding for Japanese writing tasks. It was definite that the system was also made to provide some evaluation scores without depending the number of characters.
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