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The emergence of a pandemic world has tensioned the reinvention of many sectors. In the field of Arts, especially dance, professionals were affected by physical distancing, making shows impossible. As a result, the dancers were stimulated to a process of invention, exploring other sensations and ways of communicating art in a network. This article presents and discusses the co-creation process of a Social Technological Startup, from the ESTEAM perspective and connectively constituted in reticular movements, as an inventive process, from which two inventions emerged: projection mapped performance and dressing wearable technology, both co- created, assembling digital technologies in network, members of a social dance project, teachers and student from different field of knowledge and educational levels. From the cartographic method of intervention-research and based on contemporary theories, the results show that both the mapped projection and the wearables have significant potential to hybridize art and education, contributing to create learning situations that enable a greater understanding of spatiality and the body, as well as inventing new ways of experiencing dance, expanding the sensorial and the digital. The concept of wearables emerged from an inventive ecosystem, which was constituted in the field of education in connection with other areas of knowledge, intending to promote social transformation, through digital citizenship. The relevance of the research stands out, as long as it provided a digital thinking that co-engendered education, a social project, wearable technologies and dance, in the conception of a startup, in an ecosystem arrangement that problematizes the way universities also operate.
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