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Many Higher Education Institutions in India have started to include Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) as a part of their curriculum. Yet little research has been done to understand the factors that affect the users’ sustained interest to recurrently enroll and complete MOOC courses throughout their lifetime. A sample of 316 students from Higher Education Institutes in India participated in this survey. Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) using smartPLS was employed to assess the structural model. The structural model used is a combination of constructs from technology acceptance theories namely perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude, facilitating condition and continuous use intention of MOOCs, with perceived reputation and MOOCs self-efficacy as external variables. The results not only proved the applicability of basic TAM constructs in understanding the behavioral intention of MOOCs but also the significance of external variables, particularly the role of perceived reputation in influencing the perceived usefulness of MOOCs.
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