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Modern society needs thoroughly developed individuals ready to enrich material and spiritual culture of community. Therefore, the creation of favorable conditions for maximal revealing and development of learner’s abilities, growth of one’s individuality and prospects for self-realization is increasingly becoming of great importance. It is memory that plays the leading role in this process. Memory is a very complex process that includes getting, keeping and repetitive using of information. Memory lies at the heart of human abilities and it preconditions learning, acquiring of knowledge, formation of skills and abilities. Development of visual memory is one of the most actual problems considering the fact that the students at school are given a great amount of new information and not much attention is paid to the development of ability to memorize information. Organizing purposeful work on memory development is a crucial task. The basic task of memory development is the development of school children’s visual memory. It considerably helps to increase education quality to fulfill the main tasks of education. In this regard there is a need to look for effective means for visual memory development. The purpose of this study is to reveal effectiveness of online simulators in the process of primary school children’s visual memory development. In the course of the study the following methods were used: theoretical analysis of pedagogical and methodological literature; methods of checking and diagnostics (tests, observation); pedagogical experiment that helped to show effectiveness of online simulators in the development of primary school children’s visual memory.
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