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Organizational contextual factors, influencing the implementation of any new system, either in a business enterprise or an education institution, should be taken into consideration when comprehensive implementation of new system is considered. This scoping review was conducted with the aim of identifying the effective organizational factors in adopting e-learning. Data collection was carried out by searching the related keywords Web of sciences (WOS) and Scopus, with no limitation on date of publication. Different search strategies were applied to find the related articles. The content of the articles was analyzed by using a qualitative synthesis approach, and according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The search resulted in 21 articles eligible for analysis, which showed 20 effective organizational factors in adopting e-learning. These factors were classified in to four main themes: 1) institutional infrastructure and compatibility, 2) resources allocation, 3) organizational support and monitoring, and 4) motivation, innovation & change management. The results also showed that Unified Theory of Acceptance Model (UTAUT) was the most prevalent adoption theory in the studies, followed by Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). This study reviewed the literature pertaining to the organizational effective factors in adopting e-learning. The results acknowledged that organizational factors are the backbone of e-learning adoption in universities and institutions. This fact should be taken into consideration by mangers and policy makers, especially in developing countries.
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