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The digital divide, which refers to disparities in accessing and utilising digital technologies, has emerged as a noteworthy issue in education, especially in the context of postgraduate studies. The research, employing a mixed-method approach, investigates the methods employed by postgraduate educators to address the challenges posed by the digital divide in their teaching approaches. The study utilised a concurrent triangulation design, allowing for the simultaneous collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data. Initial data collection and analysis occurred in tandem with conducting in-depth interviews with postgraduate teachers, followed by thematic analysis. The data was collected and analysed from 25 postgraduate teachers who work in diverse educational settings. Findings revealed that postgraduate teachers adopted various pedagogical, technological, and socio-cultural strategies to address the challenges of the digital divide. Pedagogical strategies included using diverse instructional strategies, adapting teaching methods, and leveraging prior knowledge of students. Technological strategies encompassed utilising available digital resources online platforms and promoting digital literacy along with Free Open Source Software and Open Educational Resources among students. Socio-cultural strategies included building collaborative networks, creating inclusive classroom environments, and fostering a positive teacher-student relationship. The findings of this study contribute to the understanding of how postgraduate teachers address the digital divide in their teaching practices and highlight the importance of innovative strategies to ensure equitable access to digital technologies in education.


Digital Divide Postgraduate Teachers Pedagogical Strategies Technological Strategies Socio-Cultural Strategies

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How to Cite
Khandagale, V. S. (2023). A mixed method study of strategies adopted by postgraduate teachers to mitigate the impact of the digital divide. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 19(3), 110-118.


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