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The aim of the study is to analyze the structure of the relations among training goals achievement and some psychological features considered significant in Distance Learning (DL) where teacher’s role is less active and students must be more autonomous in learning tasks. As the literature has amply demonstrated, adults need to be pro-active and responsible in their training activities: they need to know why they should learn something and they need to be independent in learning. While Self-Directed Learning skills involve the ability to manage learning tasks without having them directed by others, Self-Regulated Learning skills are necessary for lifelong learning and involve self-efficacy and LOC. Self-efficacy represents people's beliefs about their capabilities to produce designated levels of performance: people with a strong sense of self-efficacy view challenging problems, develop deeper interest in the activities in which they participate and recover quickly from setbacks and disappointments. Moreover, individuals with internal LOC engage in learning processes more than do individuals with external LOC because the former believe that the achievement of training goals depends on their will. The output demonstrates the importance of the relation between learning degree, internal LOC and external motivation, as obtaining CME credits.


self efficacy locus of control learning achievement distance learning health professionals

Article Details

Author Biographies

Maura Ignazia Cascio, University of Enna "KORE" - PhD student CEFPAS, Centre for Training and Research of Public Health

UO FAD/E-Learning

Valentina Concetta Botta, CEFPAS, Centre for Training and Research of Public Health

UO FAD/E-Learning

Vanda Esmeralda Anzaldi, CEFPAS, Centre for Training and Research of Public Health

UO FAD/E-Learning
How to Cite
Cascio, M. I., Botta, V. C., & Anzaldi, V. E. (2013). The role of self efficacy and internal locus of control in online learning. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 9(3).