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The following paper introduces an innovative international collaboration in teacher education held in 2014. This event, described as an educational video challenge, was organized as a 72 hour, hackathon-style educational experience in which university-level students worked together in teams to co-create educational videos. The objective of the challenge event was to encourage teacher students to explore the design and use of educational videos for use in their teaching practice. The challenge was simultaneously held at three universities in Finland, Austria and Germany and culminated in the screening of completed student-generated videos. The majority of videos produced during the event were trigger videos, while findings from a preliminary assessment conducted with participants suggest that an educational video challenge format shows promise as an effective method for enhancing skills associated with teaching through video and engaging participants in dialogue connected to practice.


Educational Videos Co-creation Hackathon Educational Video Challenge

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How to Cite
Stevenson, B., Länsitie, J., Kogler, C., & Bauer, P. (2015). Exploring Co-creation of Educational Videos in an International Collaborative Context. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 11(2).