Editorial Policies
Je-LKS is a source for academics and professionals in the expanding fields of educational and training technology throughout the world. The Journal is published by the Italian e-Learning Association (SIe-L).
Articles cover the whole range of education and training, concentrating on the theory, applications and development of learning technology and communications. This includes such subjects as:
* The design and production of learning materials;
* The use of information and communication technologies in education and training;
* The psychology of communication;
* Curriculum development and course design;
* Evaluation and monitoring;
* Priorities in resources, planning and organisation;
* The storage, retrieval and dissemination of learning resources and information;
* The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of print, electronic and optical media used for learning;
* Delivery systems for open and distance learning;
* Support for self study and for learners at a distance;
* Assessment, notably assessment on demand and of learning from experience;
* Problems and potential of new technologies in education and training;
* Educational research and dissemination.
In addition to full length peer reviewed articles and shorter colloquium pieces, we include book reviews and notes on other publications received.
We welcome you to write as simply as you can. Avoid parochial references and assumptions: for many Je-LKS readers English is not their mother tongue.
Spell out all acronyms first time around. Reports of experimental work should be analytical not merely descriptive: reviews of developing fields should be critical, not merely informative; theoretical overviews should contain some original contribution or novel perspective.
We strongly advise that you ask one or more of your colleagues to review your article before sending it to Je-LKS.
Authors for whom English is a second language may choose to have their manuscript professionally edited before submission to improve the English.
Originality and copyright
When you submit a paper to us it is a condition that your contribution is original and that is has neither been published previously nor is currently being considered for publication elsewhere.
Authors will retain copyright but grant SIe-L (the Publisher) an exclusive right to publish their papers in Open Access License. You will be sent a copy of the form and accompanying notes and we ask you to complete and return it with the final version of your contribution.
Articles should not normally exceed 40000 characters including references to any sources that readers might wish to trace. However, there is no merit in lengthy reference lists per se. Wherever possible, the reasons for citing a reference should be clear from the context. Please check very carefully both their accuracy and presentation.
All articles should have an abstract (limit to 250 words)
Articles are rigorously reviewed and the speed of publication of articles depends greatly on the authors’ readiness to respond to the reviewers’ comments.
The authors should be listed in order of contribution to the paper and all authors take responsibility for their own contributions. Only include those authors who have made a substantive contribution; those who have made marginal contributions (for example, colleagues or supervisors who have reviewed draft of the work) should be named in an Acknowledgments paragraph after the conclusions.
Conflict of interest
Conflicts of interest are less common in learning technology than in, for example, life sciences where authors may have received funding from pharmaceutical companies. However, where the work reported deals with commercial products (for example, software developed for educational purposes), you should consider carefully whether there is any conflict of interest and make this clear at the beginning of the paper . This may take the form of a declaration that there is no conflict of interest, or a statement that sets out the potential conflict.
Point your web browser at the Je-LKS section of the Open Journal System website in the main manu. You will be asked to provide the necessary details about yourself and your submission and then upload the file containing you work. You can review it (indeed you must review your work) before final submission. You should then receive a prompt acknowledgement and you will be kept in touch with progress through the review and (hopefully) acceptance. Please note: This journal does not accept Microsoft Word 2007 documents at this time. Please use Word's "Save As" option to save your document as an older (.doc) file type.
The journal to which you are submitting your manuscript employs a plagiarism detection system. By submitting your manuscript to this journal you accept that your manuscript may be screened for plagiarism against previously published works.
Je-LKS has the usual double-blind reviewing procedure.
Firstly the paper will be assigned to an Associate Editor to evaluate the congruency with the journal topics and with the author guidelines.
If passed, the editor allocates submitted articles to two reviewers who are known to have specific interests in that topic.
Please let the Editor know if you are likely to be unavailable or at a different address for any significant time in the near future.
Je-LKS is published three times each year, and articles occasionally have to be carried over at the last minute because of space constraints, so it is normally not possible to say in advance in which issue a specific contribution will appear, even after it has been accepted for publication in a revised form.