Je-LKS has the usual double-blind reviewing procedure. The review process will follow the Review Guidelines

Firstly the paper will be assigned to an Associate Editor to evaluate the congruency with the journal topics and with the author guidelines (Editorial Pre Review Phase).

If passed, the editor allocates submitted articles to two reviewers who are known to have specific interests in that topic.

Manuscripts are evaluated on the basis of a depth review form that takes into account their RELEVANCE, IMPORTANCE, ORIGINALITY, QUALITY, and CLARITY. 

Each reviewer submits a judgment (composed of several questions) for each of these areas and overall judgment.

The Editorial Board follows a precise policy on the judgments made by the reviews:

  • Double acceptance: the paper is accepted.
  • Double rejection: the paper is rejected.
  • Acceptance + Rejection / Correction Needed: the paper is accepted with reserve. In this case authors are invited to include a substantial modification of the paper, that will be re-assessed to a third reviewer, who shall decide on the final admissibility.

The paper must be submitted to the journal in English. It remains a responsibility of the authors to ensure a complete linguistic proofreading.

In order to ensure the best level of readability, the texts must follow some criteria: clarity, simplicity and syntactic simplicity, consistency and sequential logic in the argument, in addition to full compliance with the formal guidelines set out by the journal.

If the edited paper still doesn’t meet the criteria after the review process, both substantive and formal, the Editor may decide to suspend the publication to make further corrections. The Editor may also decide to postpone an accepted paper for reasons of space, thematic coherence, opportunities for editorial policies.

Please let the Editor know if you are likely to be unavailable or at a different address for any significant time in the near future.

is published three times each year, and articles occasionally have to be carried over at the last minute because of space constraints, so it is normally not possible to say in advance in which issue a specific contribution will appear, even after it has been accepted for publication in a revised form.