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This research is centered on the activity of on pre-service teacher in Physical Education (PE), during a course based on multimodal resources, in order to learn to teach PE. The main goal in this training program is to prepare pre-service teachers to teach PE and develop their capacity to analyze some teaching skills during the different moment of a PE’s lesson (e.g. verbal instruction). Our approach is based on the analysis of the teacher’s activity in the classroom. The aim of our research will be to show how an video-enhanced environment for Physical Education Teacher Education can allow to approach the corporeal experience of teaching PE in classroom situation’s and to learn to teach PE. For this reason, our theoretical framework is the Course of Action (Theureau, 2002) in cognitive anthropology, based on the hypothesis of the situated action (Suchman, 1987) and distributed cognition (Hutchins, 1995) and also the enaction (Varela and al., 1991). This framework, help us to understand emotion, cognition, concerns and perception in situ, during workshop at University. Results showed a) PE pre-service teachers focus their attention on face-to-face situations and whole-class discussion during the lesson and they focus on the teaching skills developed during these situations and b) using multimodal resources allow pre-service teachers to approach corporeal experience during face-to-face situations and whole-class discussion during the lesson.


video physical education corporeal experince teaching skills

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How to Cite
Roche, L., & Gal-Petitfaux, N. (2015). A video-enhanced teacher learning environment based on multimodal resources: A case study in PETE. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 11(2).