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Deprivation of language abilities has negative influence on academic achievement of deaf learners especially in biology. Although, previous studies have underscored teaching approaches as a factor that influence participation and low achievement in biology but little or no studies exist to determine the effects of computer and project based learning approaches on the achievement of deaf learners in Biology. Therefore, this study determined the effect of computer- assisted instructions (CAI) and project based learning (PBL) on the achievement of deaf learners in Biology in Ibadan, Nigeria. The study engaged the pretest-posttest, control group quasi experimental research design. Purposive sampling technique was used to select deaf learners from three secondary schools in Ibadan, Nigeria. The participants were randomly assigned to two treatment groups: CAI, PBL and control group. Treatment lasted 8 weeks. Biology Achievement Test and Achievement Motivation Scale were used for data collection. Data were analysed using Analysis of covariance at 0.05 level of significance. Results showed a significant main effect of treatment of achievement in Biology among deaf learners (F(2,28) = 11.432, η2 = 0.574). Participants exposed to CAI obtained the highest mean score of 13.74 followed by PBL group (10.51) and control group (9.15). There was also a 3-way interaction effect on deaf learners’ achievement in biology. CAI was more effective in enhancing achievement in Biology among deaf learners the PBL. Therefore, Biology teachers to deaf learners should adopt CAI and perhaps PBL to motivate and stimulate deaf leaners’ interest in life sciences.
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