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Deploying ad-hoc learning environments to use and represent data from multiple sources and networks and to dynamically respond to user demands could be very expensive and ineffective in the long run. Moreover, most of the available data is wasted without extracting potentially useful information and knowledge because of the lack of established mechanisms and standards. It is preferable to focus on data availability to choose and develop interoperability strategies suitable for smart learning systems based on open standards and allowing seamless integration of third-party data and custom applications. This paper highlights the opportunity to take advantage of emerging technologies, like the linked open data platforms and automatic reasoning to effectively handle the vast amount of information and to use data linked queries in the domain of cognitive smart learning systems.


Smart Learning Systems Linked Open Data Cognitive Computing in Education

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How to Cite
Carbonaro, A. (2020). Enabling smart learning systems within smart cities using open data. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 16(1), 72-77.


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