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In the complex contexts of nowadays classes, there is the need for a Learning Design not limited to linearize both objectives and contents, but that is guide, orientation, support to the teaching-learning process. This contribution describes the implementation of DEPIT app for learning design, developed as a part of a project financed by the European Community and carried out by three networks of schools and 4 universities through DBIR methodology. This app produces visual, digital and multimodal design artefacts, which can be used with students in a classroom during the action and shared with a community of teachers. According to OER principles, this app is internationally disseminated through a MOOC available on a European platform. Teachers' design becomes common heritage (Open Educational Practices) between teachers and students and it is replicable and reusable in different contexts. The experimentation of this app highlighted its transformative feature in comparison with the teachers' design practices, which become explicit, sustainable and shared with students.
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