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In the Covid 19 pandemic, teachers and students have to implement the distance education by using online learning. It creates new obstacles for them but also stimulates potential methods for teaching and learning process to meet the digital era. This study investigated the difference effect of implementing online instruction integrated with brain-based teaching (BBT) approach as an experimental group. A quantitative research design with factorial 2 x2 was applied, then two classes involving each 33 students for experimental group and 30 students for a control group of a private college in Indonesia were chosen as the sample. The instruments used were a questionnaire and a test. Two-way ANOVA was applied to analyze the data. The findings showed that (1) There was distinct impact between experimental class and control class in students’ reading achievement, (2) The achievements of the students in the Reading course with high motivation were higher than those with low motivation., (3) There was an interaction between teaching strategies and the level of students’ motivation in EFL reading achievement. These findings also can stimulate teachers to teach brain-based teaching approach with online instruction to students to enhance their motivation in reading. have to integrate BBT with technology support for the meaningful learning Further research and development on different brain-based teaching approaches is suggested. These findings can encourage teachers to teach EFL learners in brain-based approach integrated with online instruction with the purpose of improving their motivation for reading.
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