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In an attempt to successfully teach students online during a pandemic, it is imperative to investigate to what extent students and teachers are prepared and ready for the adoption of such an approach, as it is difficult to change the educational scenario in Pakistan. The objective of this paper was to identify the degree of readiness and preparedness of students and teachers for implementation of online classes in a crisis situation together-with the experiences of students, teachers and parents in application of online classes during COVID-19. A self-developed online questionnaire, having three separate segments, one each to collect data from students, parents and teachers of private primary and secondary schools of Punjab was used. A sample of size 262 (students 112 teachers 76 and parents 74) was selected through convenient sampling technique. Statistical data analysis, both descriptive (frequencies and percentages) and inferential (Chi-square), was done. The study indicated lack of availability of smooth and fast Internet access at home. Students were required to learn their roles of self-management, to troubleshoot technological issues online without parental assistance and be able to complete their tasks independently. Majority of the parents agreed on temporary continuation of online sessions by schools. This study provides a comprehensive understanding of students and teachers’ role, together-with parents’ experience, in online sessions and discusses the possibilities of using technologies in education as it depicts the degree and key traits of online sessions for students and teachers needed for readiness and preparedness by private schools during pandemic.
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