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Facebook, as a social networking site, is one of the most important means of communication technologies that have been widely adopted by college students and their professors worldwide. The purpose of this study is to shed light on the impact of Facebook on higher education generally and specifically on the academic performance of the students of the University of Jordan. For the completion of this study, the researchers selected a random sample of students from the University of Jordan and gave them a questionnaire on how Facebook affected their academic performance. The collected data was analyzed and tested by using correlation tests through SPSS, a data analysis program. The independent variable measured: 1- communication among students and communication between them and the faculty members; 2- sharing of resources and materials; 3- and collaboration among students. The academic achievement of students was measured by examinations and/or by continuous assessment such as (their GPAs, overuse or multitasking, and the time they spend on studying). Three pre-determined hypotheses tested are: (H1) Communication through Facebook has no significant impact on students’ academic performance. (H2) The sharing of educational resources and materials through Facebook does not significantly influence students’ academic performance. (H3) Collaboration among students through Facebook has no significant influence on their academic performance.


Facebook Education Students’ Academic Performance

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How to Cite
Yousef, S., & Yousef, K. (2022). The impact of Facebook usage in education on students’ academic performance at the University of Jordan . Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 18(1), 59-74.


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