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This study reviewed the effects of the Student Team Achievement Divisions (STAD) cooperative learning strategies model compared to the traditional method of communication skills in economic subjects among secondary school students in Aceh. The study aims to identify the relationship between attitude change and communication skills that are influenced by family income. Besides, this research also investigates the relationship between communication skills with student achievement in the economic subject. The quasi-experimental designs with a pre-test and post-test used to collect data in this study. After fourteen weeks of treatment for the experimental group, both groups performed the Post-Test. The findings of the T-test showed a significant difference in student communication skills in economic subjects between the experimental group and the control group. The method of data analysis used analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed performance was higher on the post-test experimental group compared to the control group. This finding indicates that the use of the STAD cooperative learning strategies model during the review period can increase student achievement in the economic subject. The implications of this study show that the STAD Cooperative Learning model can be a model for teaching and learning in economics to improve communication skills among students in Aceh.


Social empowerment Cooperative learning STAD Communication Skills Academic Achievement and Economic Subjects

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How to Cite
Ali Basyah, N., Yunus, M. M., Fahmi, I., Jalil, Z. A., & Rusli, Z. (1). The Influence of the Student Team Achievement Division Model on Communication Skills in Economics Subjects. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 17(2), 74-84.


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