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The paper presents the results of a survey conducted with teachers of lower and upper secondary schools who attended, in e-Learning mode, the specialization course for support in 2020 at the University of Macerata (Italy). The purpose of the survey was to: (1) extrapolate the teachers' point of view on the inclusive use of technologies at the beginning of the laboratory, (2) highlight the presence or absence of an inclusive logic underlying the teaching approach generally chosen in the use of tools and technological applications and finally, (3) analyze teachers in training perception about the skills they think they have learned at the end of the laboratory. Referring to the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), the inclusive logic underlines the importance of knowing how to design educational interventions mediated by technologies that can be used by all students (not only those with Special Educational Need) therefore the presence/absence of the design aspect in teachers in training was considered fundamental to set up the laboratory path. In addition, the creation of the laboratory on the Teams platform has allowed teachers in training to learn and experience the inclusive potential that e-Learning can have if supported by a good design framework. In the contribution, the results of the investigation and the organization of the laboratory will be presented.


TIC Inclusion Teaching Active Participation

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How to Cite
Pennazio, V., & Bochicchio, F. (2022). From technologies for a few to technologies for all: analysis of inclusive technologies perception in teachers in training. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 18(1), 23-33.


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