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Obtaining metacognitive skills is crucial for enhancing self-regulation. So, this quasi-experimental study aimed to assess the effect of teaching metacognition through peer-conducted flipped classroom on high school students' self-regulation. 107 students filled out Self-Regulation Questionnaire as the pre-test. Both control and intervention groups received a package of four-session multimedia e-content about metacognition during four weeks. Each week, the students in the intervention group participated in a face-to-face session during which peers handled the instruction, while participants in the control group had teacher conducted sessions. Finally, the same questionnaire was answered as the post-test. The results showed a significant increase from pre to post-test scores in the intervention group, in contrast to the control one with no significant increase. Between groups comparison of post-test scores resulted in a significant higher score in the intervention group. So, the findings showed the positive effect of teaching metacognition through this method on students’ self-regulation.
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