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This study identifies significant challenges that academicians working in higher education experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic, as physical classrooms transformed into virtual ones. The study includes evidence from the experiences of higher education academicians from three countries: namely, India, Malaysia, and the United Arab Emirates. The study adopts a quantitative research method to analyse the challenges that impacted the ease of coping with pedagogical delivery and the significant differences across the three countries. The study uses binary logistic regression modelling to evaluate the significance of the identified factors. The findings indicate that academicians experienced challenges working from home while adapting to the new model of teaching. Contrary to the established results – gender, lack of formal training, work experience and home environment, which did not seem to impact consistently across the three geographical locations. This also is the highlight of the study, as we used the log odds to illustrate the probabilities of impacting factors in each geographical location on the Ease of Coping – the dependent variable. The findings of this study may be directed to comprehend the most substantial factors specific to ease of coping. As the universities prepare themselves for the ‘new normal’, this study will contribute towards a paradigm shift in higher education, thereby enhancing the development of a framework for an effective teaching model to address pedagogical transition.
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