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To examine the role of online learning on student’s perceptions during the recent pandemic from the 364 participating respondents’ parents and students from (Grade 1 to 12). The respondents’ data were analyzed through structural equation modelling (SEM) and the study confirm that 4 out of 4 of exogenous factors examined impacted learning positively, and 3 out of 4 impacted motivation positively. Besides, both study implications and limitations are also discussed under this study.


United Arab Emirates Online Learning Student Perception Student Engagement Motivation COVID-19

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Author Biographies

Anas Abudaqa, School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia

Dr. Anas Abudaqa is a proficient and result oriented Petroleum engineer working for ADNOC Group. Abudaqa is CIPLD Level 7, PMI-PMP and PMI-PBA certified professional. He has earned MSc (Petroleum engineering) from Heriot Watt University, UK, MBA from IMT Business School, MSc (Innovation, Leadership and Management) from University of York, UK, and his PhD (Business Management) from Universiti Sains Malaysia.  Abudaqa published several articles in Scopus indexed journals and his research interests includes HRM, organizational behavior, leadership, organizational agility, and innovation and technology management.


Mohd Faiz Hilmi, School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia

Dr. Mohd Faiz Hilmi is a professor in technology and innovation management at Universiti Sains Malaysia. He has D.B.A, MBA (management), 2008 from USM, and his BBA (MIS) from Washington state university. He has more than 25 publications within his interest’s area, and he is an editorial board member, Malaysian journal of distance education. Currently, Dr. Mohd faiz is supervising 14 PhD students and he’s research projects focuses on the following areas; Technology & Innovation Management , Innovative Behavior, e-Learning & Distance Education.

Hasan AlMujaini , School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia

Hasan AlMujaini is a chief accountant  working  for ADNOC Offshore for the past 25 years, and he has MBA from Abu Dhabi University. Currently, Hasan is a Ph.D. scholar in    Business   Management   at    Universiti Sains Malaysia.  His interests in research follows in the following areas:  innovation and technology management and organizational development. Hasan has four published articles in Scopus indexed journals.

Rashed A. Alzahmi, College of Business and Economics, UAE University, Al Ain city, UAE

Dr. Rashed Alzahmi is an Assistant Professor of Business Administration and Chair of Leadership and Organizational Agility Department at the College of Business and Economics at the UAE University. Alzahmi is SHRM Senior Certified Professional and holds a Ph.D. in HRM from Pennsylvania State University (PSU). He is the Ambassador for the UAE Stanford nationwide Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Initiative. Prior to becoming a professor, Alzahmi worked in a major oil and gas company in the UAE. His current research areas revolve around strategic workforce planning, succession planning, human resource management strategy, work engagement, and performance management.

How to Cite
Abudaqa, A., Hilmi, M. F., AlMujaini , H., Alzahmi, R. A., & Ahmed, G. (2021). Students’ perception of e-Learning during the Covid Pandemic: a fresh evidence from United Arab Emirates (UAE). Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 17(3), 110-118.


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