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The western idea of society, founded on a contrast between citizens and limited to the cohabitation of human subjects, just as the idea of citizenship is based on the fundamental rights of people, faced with the challenges of the pandemic, of the climate change and those posed by the latest generation of intelligence network, turns out to be inadequate. The digital citizenship of today is the research area in which to search for the overcoming of the Western political project and to begin a new culture of governance within complex networks characterized by interactions within an architecture that is no longer composed either of subjects nor objects. The present article, starting from the analysis of the digital protagonism of the non-human, present the possible meanings of the crisis of the western idea of the world.


Digital Citizenship Non Human Networks Digital Governance Datafication

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How to Cite
Di Felice, M. (2022). Digital citizenship and the end of an idea of world. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 18(3), 22-28.


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