Main Article Content
The fast evolution of technology makes digital competencies mandatories in all professional contexts. The authors conducted a study aiming to systematize the design and validation of an instrument to measure digital skills for research. The methodology included a literature review to identify the theoretical bases and the dimensions or components of digital skills and the design of the questionnaire. Secondly, its validity was tested through the Content Validity Index (CVI) with the judgment of six experts and the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) after a pilot study with a sample of 96 researchers. Finally, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient test was performed to assess reliability. The results yielded the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) determined sampling adequacy (KMO= .830) and a significant Bartlett's sphericity test (p= .000). The anti-image matrix showed high values except for the first item that did not reach the critical threshold in the communality’s values; so, it was removed. The validity test showed a high content validity coefficient (IVC= .98). Regarding the EFA, the six-factor analysis revealed that nine out of the 14 items showed factor loading > 0.7. The reliability test also showed positive results (ɑ=.874). In conclusion, the results obtained in the present study validate the questionnaire as an accurate and reliable tool for assessing the digital competencies of researchers. This may be a useful tool in the initial phases of policy planning for strengthening scientific production and closing digital competencies gaps in universities.
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