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Although technology has found its way into modern physical education (PE), technology-“unfriendly” environments beyond the gym, such as swimming pools, still haven’t been focused on in terms of technology-enhanced teaching and research efforts. Approaching this blind spot, the main objective of this study was to determine the impact of technology-enhanced video feedback on swimming performance, particularly using a tablet computer. Two 5th grade PE swimming classes were randomly assigned experimental group (n=16) and control group (n=15). Experimental group students were exposed to a standardized video analysis and feedback program using a tablet computer by a trained PE teacher for 7 weeks. The control group PE swimming class didn’t integrate any media and technology at all and used traditional teaching methods such as verbal feedback only. Students’ swimming performance for front crawl was measured at baseline and after the 7-weeks class period using a pre-post test design. Experimental group students significantly (p<0.05) improved in front crawl racing-results from pre- to post-test. Semi-structured interviews with selected experimental group students revealed that the students judged the video feedback scenario using a tablet computer being helpful for their learning process of improving their front crawl technique and eventually their race results. Conclusively, video feedback via tablet technology in PE swimming classes served as a sufficient and effective teaching method for improving front crawl swimming performance in 5th grade students. The teaching scenario proved to be superior compared to traditional teaching methods and feasible in the swimming pool environment.


Physical education swimming technology integration video feedback tablets mobile learning assessment

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How to Cite
Kretschmann, R. (2017). Employing Tablet Technology for Video Feedback in Physical Education Swimming Class. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 13(2).