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The aim of the study was to examine the effectiveness of the second generation (2g) of Feedback-Based Learning model (FBL-2g) regarding quantitative courses in higher education. The intention was to examine students' views towards the model and check if there are differences between theoretical quantitative courses such as math or statistics and a computer course. The research was based on three samples of students (n1=28, n2=25, n3=19, n-total=72) who studied three quantitative courses based on the new model. All three course sites were prepared and managed by the same lecturer. Students were asked to fill out an online questionnaire to assess various characteristics of FBL-2g and its impact on their motivation and learning process.
The study findings show that according to students' attitudes, FBL-2g is perceived as very effective for learning quantitative courses. All characteristics were highly rated as follows: Diagnosis, prognosis, student motivation and sense of belonging and the contribution to learning improvement. Therefore, it is recommended to support and train lecturers who teach quantitative courses in higher education so that they can use this model making a significant contribution to the students' motivation and learning.


Quantitative course FBL Feedback Based Learning Learning Higher education Course website

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How to Cite
Ghilay, Y. (2019). The Second Generation of Feedback-based Learning Model (FBL-2g) for Quantitative Courses in Higher Education. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 14(3).