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This paper concerns the state of professionalization of adult education in Europe. The field of adult education is not clearly defined, but it is strictly linked and overlapped to other social sectors. A debate on the professionalization of this fi eld is scarce in all European countries. The field of adult education is characterized by a wide percentage of people dealing with adult learning part time or even by chance, and by a wide variety of working contexts where these people act. For a comparison on the fringe of the fi eld, a common ground can be more easily found in the sphere of vocational training carried out by players that work for adult learning: teaching, management, consultancy, planning, support and media are fields of activity which can be identifi ed in any European country. We think these fields of activity can be taken as starting points to identify the concrete professional tasks, the related abilities and the competence requirements in the sector of adult education.


Vocational training Adult education professional competences

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How to Cite
Nuissl, E. (2009). Vocational training in Europe. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 4(1).