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This article proposes to identify the smartness of a learning eco-system - physical and/or virtual - with its attractiveness that, in a people in place centered perspective, can be put in relation with the ability of the eco- system to meet needs and expectations of all categories of actors taking part in a given learning process and, finally, with the achievement of their state of “flow”.
To follow, as an example of application of the concept of smart learning ecosystem, we present a brief description of salient aspects and features that characterize one of the most promising domain of investigation emerged recently - the smart city learning - together with a list of challenges and possible directions of research.


smart learning ecosystems attractiveness of smart learning ecosystems state of flow people in place centered approach benchmarking of smart learning ecosystems smart city learning

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How to Cite
Giovannella, C. (2014). Smart Learning Eco-Systems: “fashion” or “beef”?. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 10(3).