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The aim of this study is to explore the effect of positive learning culture in students’ blended learning process. The starting point of this study is the analysis of the core values of positive learning culture and its influence on students’ learning in a blended classroom environment based on literature studies. The results of analyzing data from 339 student respondents, who experienced in a blended classroom environment where successfully established positive learning cultures led to interesting findings. The existence of a positive learning culture in blended classrooms has a positive effect on students’ learning success. The results of correlation analysis recognize that there is a positive correlation between a learning culture and the blended learning process of the students. The culture of trust and respect has a positive effect on the theory lecture and lecture notes phase of the blended learning process. The culture of independence has a positive effect on VLE and RLOs phase of the blended learning process. The culture of trust, respect, and collaboration has a positive effect on physical planning. Finally, the culture of respect and independence have a positive effect on practical labs / classrooms phase of the blended learning process. These findings provide practical implications for educators in promoting more of one or more of the core values of positive learning culture in each phase of the blended learning process.
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