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E-Learning environment implies self-motivation and perseverance in study and completion of learning tasks. However, the more autonomy students have in managing their e-Learning, the harder they cope with distractions and remaining focused and engaged. This research study aims to assess the level of student engagement in four e-Learning platforms (CoLaB Tutor, AC-ware Tutor, CM Tutor and Moodle) in higher education. A model for Tracking Student Learning and Knowledge (TSLAK) is developed and based on two sets of variables: variables tracking student’s learning activities (VTL) and variables tracking student’s knowledge (VTK). This study aims to provide answers on how a model for tracking student online learning and knowledge can be formalized for the four e-Learning platforms and how can student learning and knowledge acquisition processes be described and measured by VTL and VTK. The results obtained by VTL and VTK indicate a significant decline in students’ engagement. Out of 218 the most engaged students, 77 (35%) of them used the CoLaB Tutor, 41 (19%) used the AC-ware Tutor, 52 (24%) used the CM Tutor, and 48 (22%) used the Moodle. The research showed that out of the total number of students only 88 (13%) of them were the most engaged and the most successful or more precisely, 63 (71%) graduates and 25 (29%) undergraduates. Such student engagement and success measured by VTL and VTK indicate the necessity of increasing students’ motivation in blended learning environments, strengthening their preparation and introduction to e-Learning platforms, and observing their feedback during a research study.
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