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The objective of this research was to identify the theoretical and practical bases that contribute to a model that will allow the implementation of an innovative teaching-learning model for the integration of digital technologies in teacher education. This model of teacher training, based on identified pedagogical trends, was characterised by a flexible approach to the training process, including active training strategies that encourage the acquisition of diversified skills, including digital. This approach can also transfer to students skills which enable them to take responsibility for their learning and creation of their own knowledge. The research method used was two-fold: i) action research in the development of training workshops in an in-service research training project and ii) a case study in a pre-service teacher education study, in Portugal. It was found in this study that the participating teachers were able to develop skills and integrate digital technologies in their own teaching-learning process and could change their teaching practices, which will support the development of online education in the future.


Digital Technologies Integration Active Teacher Training Training Model Teacher Education

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How to Cite
Rodrigues, A. L. (2020). Digital technologies integration in teacher education: the active teacher training model. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 16(3), 24-33.


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