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The purposes of this research were to 1) develop the structural equation model of the actual use of cloud learning for higher education students in the 21st century (SEMAC), 2) investigate the validity of the SEMAC, and 3) study the effects of the SEMAC. This study was a correlation research. The research sample consisted of 1,170 undergraduate students, randomly selected using multi-staging, from 18 universities in Thailand. The research instruments were questionnaires about system quality, convenience, social interaction, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and actual use. Data analyses were descriptive statistics and the analysis for model validation used LISREL 9.2. The study found that the validation of the structural equation model indicating actual use of cloud learning showed that the model fit to the empirical data (χ2 = 34.659 df = 23 p = .056 GFI = .989 AGFI = .974 RMR = .006). The variables in the structural equation model could explain 62.4 of the variance in actual use. The research results can be used as data to improve the actual use of cloud learning.
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