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There is a need for institutions to evaluate their e-Learning educational atmosphere to improve students’ learning experiences. The E-Learning Educational Atmosphere Measure (EEAM) is a comprehensive tool focusing on the students’ perception of the e-Learning environment. To be able to verbally interpret the results of the measure for better comprehension and more effective and consistent usage, it is essential to establish clear cut-off scores. We aimed to determine the optimal cut-off points for the EEAM scores by plotting them as the ROC curves versus a single global rating question. The findings showed that while the range of the possible EEAM scores was 40 to 200, cut-off points of equal or below 127, between 127 to 152, and equal or above 152 indicated students’ perception of the e-Learning atmosphere as “poor to weak”, “moderate”, and “good to excellent” respectively. The Area Under the Curve for scores that reflected the “poor to weak” state was 0.875 (p-value=0.000) with a sensitivity of 84.8% and a specificity of 70.0%. This area was 0.947 (p-value=0.000) for the “good to excellent” state with a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 82.1%. Our findings are useful in studying, evaluating, and monitoring the e-Learning educational atmosphere of institutions or comparing the results of multiple settings.


e-Learning Educational Environment Educational Atmosphere

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How to Cite
Mohammadi, A., Mojtahedzadeh, R., Mousavi, A., & Ahmadi Fariman, S. (2023). Interpreting students’ perception of the e-Learning environments: determining optimal Cut-off Points for the e-Learning Educational Atmosphere Measure (EEAM). Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 19(4), 26-33.


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