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Two groups of 50 students each were created among the students who voluntarily signed up for the ADE on the theme of laparoscopic surgery.
Each group was further divided into 2 smaller groups of 25 students, which followed respectively classic oral classes
or on line classes. The experiment was divided into 2 parts.
While the oral classes were the same for the 2 parts of the experiment, the online classes were characterized by the delivering of videos in the 1st part and videos and interactive web teaching in the 2nd part. Standardized questionnaires were distributed to the students, at the beginning and at the end to evaluate the effcacy of the system used to deliver the information.
Both groups of students greatly improved their scores answering the questionnaires, but the on line groups expressed greater satisfaction in particular because of the fruition of free didactic contents.
In conclusion we can confrm that, when used properly, the web is a fantastic learning tool for students because, not only it delivers information in a stronger way, but it also provides a faster and more enthusiastic way of learning.
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