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This paper describes the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the MOOCs available in the EduOpen platform. In particular, data (analytics) concerning the variables “didactic disciplines” and “didactic structuring” are presented in order to identify the main trend lines and possible critical aspects. From the data analysis some useful elements emerge for a greater understanding of the main characteristics of the MOOCs offered by the EduOpen network, in particular: a) the quantitative dimensions of the supply and demand of the MOOCs; in this regard, a greater flow of enrolments towards the courses belonging to a scientific and technological nature is evident; b) the degree of didactic structuring of the courses; in this regard, the presence of assessment tools appears to be the element that more than others characterises the didactic structure of the MOOCs EduOpen. The conclusions suggest awareness-raising actions aimed at building dashboards that can report in real time to instructors and students critical and action needed issues and therefore provide a useful guidance both to prevent situations at risk and to support teachers in the design and development of new courses.


MOOCs Evaluation Assessment Didactic Instructional Design

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How to Cite
Fazlagic, B., & Cecconi, L. (2019). Disciplinary and didactic profiles in the EduOpen network MOOCs. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 15(3), 11-27.


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