Main Article Content
The added value of CLIL to the quality of our curricula has been pointed out by the European Commission in different reports and official documents. This methodology is becoming more and more popular all over Europe.
After a brief framework on the different definitions and approaches, the role of videos in a CLIL environment will be dealt with, both for learners and for teachers.
In particular some examples of possible use of videos in a CLIL lesson will be mentioned, also considering the latest technological and pedagogical trends considering the learner as an active user of the web and a content generator.
As for the teachers’ perspective, video clips can play an important role in a teacher training pathway, both for initial teacher training and for in-service training.
The LOCIT model (Coyle), inspired by the CIT model (Tripp), will be explored as a possible way to reflect and share ideas and opinions about a CLIL lesson among the community of teachers, practitioners, trainers, educators.
The article has been written jointly by the authors.
Letizia Cinganotto wrote Abstract; paragraphs: 1; 2; 2.2; 2.4; 2.5; 2.7.
Daniela Cuccurullo wrote paragraphs 2.1; 2.3; 2.6; Conclusions.
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